My Greatest Happiness Has Always Been…

'George Dinu si @[545844911:2048:Claudia De Jesus]'

The source of my Hapiness is my children’s happiness

Mother in my early 19, when I was so young… I grow up with my daughter Claudia. I was not prepared to become a mother at my 19 years. This is the age of some of my students in the high school where I teach French. 🙂

Later, when I start my studies in University, my mother had helped me with my daughter, wich was so common in that time, not anymore. The good part was that I could finish my university studies. But me and Claudia we have loosed what was the most precious: our time together. <3

After that, she was with me in France for my Master studies, in 95- 96 years. Event if it was for a short period,  she grow up as a teenager in France, being in a French class in Rouen College, later also in High schol one year in Bourges and continuing with a Master France Romania University study.

Now, at my 55 years, I am the grandmother of 2 little French adorable childrens, Dario and Julia. They live in their country, France and I miss them so much!  <3  <3

After a very rich and intense professional life  of teaching, evaluating, research, initiating and conducing several European and International projects in education field, I have now a more tranquil life, as a full time French teacher and Yoga teacher. Looking in the past, I have realized that

My Greatest Happiness Has Always Been my Childrens

But…What is happiness?

Nowdays, we tend to confuse happiness with gratification and pleasure; usually, that’s what we’re talking about. And those things are pleasant, but they aren’t important in terms of our growth or even our satisfaction with life, even how much we like our lives.

As a modern parents we all want to make our little ones happy. 🙂 But we tend to forget a very simple truth:

Our children had their one way.  We don’t have any right to choose for them or to give them advice!

Daca ti-a placut acest articol, imi poti oferi o carte sau o cafea! 🙂

Now I live you because I am preparing my Kundalini yoga class of tomorrow.

Soon, another post on Parenting.

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