Do your best!


Dear Friend,
In January, in our Yoga Classes, we’ve built powerful intentions – Sankalpa and we have made them strong. In order to bring our intentions and resolutions to the light, we need to take constantly decisions and follow them. To achieve, we need to flow between choices.  Practicing every day yoga help us is to deeply in our consciousness. In that quiet place,  we can  you hear the voice of our soul guiding make the take the best decisions, serving our Dharma. Yoga can help us to be free of worrying about the wrong choices and to understand the force of the Present.
When we take decisions, we should assume the simple fact that it cannot bring always the results desired. Our choices are opportunities, doors or windows. It can bring us to good or bad things. That  freedom of choices can bring also fear: to not take the good decisions. By yoga, we can achieve freedom to meet our deepest desires. This is possible when we are doing our best, in any action.
What I’ve learned in Rishikesh in the first days of the 300 h Yoga Teacher Training  from our philosophy teacher was: Do your best! 
How can we apply that in the process of taking decisions?
Today you can take a Good decision, witch you see as a rationale, reasonable one, with all the information that you have NOW.  You think that this is the best that you can do Now. Do your best is not perfectionism. You can apply it from the most simple things in your life: cooking, cleaning, to the most complex. Is about involving yourself completely. 100%, in what you are doing. Do your best is possible in all aspect of our life, also in making decisions. This complete involvement brings us closer to our best version. And, by that, from our Desires to our Destiny – our Dharma.
 What we will do in our yoga class of tomorrow, 31st January?
We will close the January cycle of Sankalpa – Building intentions and we do the transition to February Classes: From Desire to Destiny.
We will start with a little introduction about Mudras – gestures for Mind, Body and Spirit. Our destiny is in our hands, actually. 🙂 Then, we will direct our energy mindful in a flow based on traditional Yoga sequence. Corrections and adjustments will be for any level. Finally, we will relax with the restorative postures and a guided meditation with Tibetan bowls. The mantra for tomorrow is Om Kriyam Namah. 
I’m looking forward to spending time with you, dear yogis! 🙂 🙂 🙂
For our yoga classes, please check systematically my blog and  the Facebook pages.

Dora – The Mindful Tree 🙂

Do your best! A Mindful Tree Concept.

Inspired by the Philosophy Teacher, Psychologist Agrawal Gaurav, in the November December 2014 Yoga Teacher Training  300 H Rishikesh India  

Copyright © 2014-2016 PhD Dora Dinu. All Rights Reserved

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3 comments on “Do your best!

  1. Pingback:Do your best! | Yoga

  2. Pingback:Do your best! | Copacul Atent

  3. Pingback:Sankalpa Retreat. Puterea intenției | Copacul Atent


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